Aamulla vetäsin pikku "treenit" Inton kanssa. Oli kaksi hyppyä ja Ikean pikku putki. Treenit on siksi sitaateissa koska koira oli aika sohlo. =) Suoraan putkeen, kun yritin irrottaa kauimpaan päähään ei kuunneellu ollenkaan tai katsonu mikä on ohjaava käsi. Paino aina vaan selän takaa putkeen. =) Argh! =)Hypyillä sit treenattiin takaaleikkausta ja kerran otin sylivekkiä. Aika äkkiä veti ittensä piippuun vaikka 8 aikaa aamulla ei niin sikakuuma vielä ollutkaan.
Iltapäivällä käytiin eilisen tapaan uimassa ja Into on edelleen pakko pitää kiinni ja liiveissä. Se ensinnäkin sekoo jo kun tullaan veden äärelle ja tänään siinä mittakaavassa et siihen oli pakko puuttua ja aika "rajulla kädellä". No, liivit kun sille saa päälle ja päästää veteen se ui samoin tein narun päähän asti ja ui, ui, ui, ui ja ui ja aina vaan ui. Ei mitään tolkkua, vetää paikalla eikä tietoakaan rantaan kääntymisestä. Tänään aattelin, että ui v***u niin kauan ku uit kai joskus on rantaan tultava. Mut kutsumaan jouduin ja sit treenattiin kutsusta rannemmaksi tuloa ja kun tuli pääsi takaisin.
Onnex Hugon ja Leevin voi uittaa ns. huoletta. Hakevat lelua ja tulee takas!
For Maarja and Lauri...english =)
Boys get to swim today and yesterday. Into is crazy swimmer. He go nots, when he see's the water, he drags and squeaks. I have to keep him leash (and in life jackets). If I don't, he just swims somewhere and not look back. Even now, he swims at the end of the leash and just swims, swims and swims and again swims. Today I think that swim, damn, swim as long as you come to the shore voluntarily. But no, I have to order him to come and I have to shout.( I let him swim about 10 minutes, and I don't lie.) =) And when he came, I let him go back. And this we did a few times. I am happy that Hugo and Leevi (big boys) can let swim safely.
All this madness, because he likes to splash water so much. As you have seen in pictures in my galleria.
I hope I can let him swim someday without the leash safely. "hope it is good to live in" =)
Finnish saying "toivossa on hyvä elää"
Hope he likes someday agility as much as swimming and get the same madness too. =)
Ruudi loves water as well! But fortunately he is not so crazy as Into :D
VastaaPoistaBesides swimming he likes to snort and plash in the water especially in some bowl filled with water. He has his own mission in the bowl as well: if you throw some stone into the bowl, Ruudi dives (entire head is under the water) and brings the stone out. Then he looks at you and his eyes telling you: go ahead throw the stone again into the bowl, I wanna have fun!
In the lake or in the sea he loves to return the stick you have thrown. And he is willing to do that over and over and over again. (We haven't seen any appropriate toy for throwing into the water: wooden stick is the best till now.)
Yesterday was an incident. Ruudi went for the stick in the small lake and suddenly I noticed that he is like sinking: he just lapsed into the water... My heart stopped for the moment and I was just about going for him when I realized that he was just trying to get the water out of his ear by shaking the head. But way did he do it in the middle of the lake??? I was so scared!
However, I try to bring Ruudi swimming every day!
Into learns that splashing thing in kids swimmingpool, there is about 30 cm water. =) He loves to play there. He spins circles (always to the left) and beats the water with his paw and then try to catch spatters with his mouth. What a fool.=) This is also a thing were he goes to the twilight zone. Do not see or hear anything. =) That' s the reason why I do not let him do that very often. Into and Ruudi has many similarities and I don't mean those Intos foolish things. =)
VastaaPoistaOur middle dog, Leevi, loves to do that what Ruudi likes. Take stones away from water or dig them in water a while and then pick it up.... Does not make good teeth. And both older dogs fetch toys or sticks from water.
I hope I can throw somethin to Into some day and trust that he comes back to the shore. But now he won't fetch anything. He's just goin forward...
Good water toys are quite rare. But I discovered accidentally one good...... it floats very well... the crocs shoes. =) And are very often very brightly colored and so very visible.
I recommend to purchase life jackets for Ruudi. You can see him better in the water, he is easier to swim and is easier to salvage if something happens. =)