tiistai 15. helmikuuta 2011

Into osteopaatilla 14.2

Käytin Inton osteopaatilla, Maare Kaiperla, tsekattavana ja aluksi koira oli ihan paska jäykkänä muistellen varmaankin viime ell keikkaa...
Ensin ei meinannut löytyä mitään, mutta koiran hiukan rentouduttua Maare sanoi koiran ristiluun olevan koholla. Hän sai asian kuntoon ja sanoi, että jatkamme elämää entiseen malliin. =) Kuukauden päästä mennään uudestaan tsekkaamaan onko homma mennyt mille tolalle.
Koiraa ei hänen sanojensa mukaan tarvitse mihinkään kuviin viedä ja kun tämmöinen havaittiin näin nuorena sen saa ihan osteopatialla kuntoon.
Kohonnut ristiluu kuulemma selittään myös Inton halun hakeutua perse ylöspäin kakalle.

3 kommenttia:

  1. As the Google translator almost never gives the proper result, could you comment on this topic in English as well?

  2. Hi Maarja!

    Into was treated by an osteopath. I just wanted to checked him that everything was ok. We've been doing agility almoust all his age. And I wish that he can do it in well shape. He is an athlete and needs the muscle maintenance... =)

    Osteopath found elevated sacrum. (kohonnut ristiluu)
    She said that there is nothing to worry about, because it was found this early. It's compleatly treatable by osteopath. So any x-rays don't need..
    Our next time is 14.3.

    We can live our life just like before this. =)
    Into always poo bum upwards and Maare says that this thing is reason for that. Into has always being poor defecate.

    About too weeks before this visit we went to the vet and Into got a bad experience there. That's why he was very fearful at first in osteopath...

    Because of that same vet visit our show 5.2 went tainted, Into was almoust in shock while beeing on table and judge coming to check him. He was not able to check him, Into didn't let him. He struggled a lot.

  3. Oh, thank God Into is OK!

    Due to the Ruudi's outwards front legs, I have given him Synoquin and Arthrix just in case. At least till now everything seems to be fine, except visual effect.
